

Information on variables and their values the system can use for optimization.

Type Name Description Default
int32 maxcombinations Maximum number of preencoded combinations. Combinations are a hybrid of compile time statically preencoded combinations and already requested combinations cached in an LRU fashion 1
VariableInformationEntry [ ] entries Information for each variable used in scene/movieaudio
DataSourceInformation [] datasources list of datasources used in this scene


Variable information entry with list of expected values or indication of absence of value information

Type Name Description Default
string key Identifier/key of the Variable 1
string [] values List of expected values
bool undefinable Indication that there are undefinable many possible values (usually used for free text, http images, etc) false


Enum name Description
file Datasource provided via file
string Datasource provided via StringVariable
embedded Datasource provided via EmbeddedDataSourceInformation


Information about datasources used, mandatory if Movie uses 'datasource'-Type Variables

Type Name Description Default
Type type Type of the DatasourceInformation file
string key Key used for this datasource
string defaultrow Default row value
FileLocation source Location of file used as datasource for 'file'-DatasourceInformations
StringVariable variable Variable used to retrieve string for 'string'-DatasourceInformations
EmbeddedDataSourceInformation embeddeddatasource Data for 'embedded'-DatasourceInformations


Embedded datasource data

Type Name Description Default
string [] columnnames List of columns
EmbeddedDataSourceInformationRow [] rows List of datasource rows


Embedded datasource row data

Type Name Description Default
string rowid ID of row
string [] columns List of column data. Content of these will be substituted into Variables

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