
A SceneView message is a container for either SceneViewVariants or EmbeddedScenes

Type Name Description Default
SceneView.Type type embedded
Scene [ ] scenes Array of Scenes (embedded only)
SceneViewVariant [ ] variants Array of SceneViewVariants (variant only)
FileLocation source A reference to an external SDL file (file only)
StringVariable variable The value of this variable is used to select a SceneViewVariant
int32 width
int32 height
EndBehaviour endbehaviour repeatlast
string [ ] keys For file


A SceneViewVariant message is a lookup map that assigns scenes to key values. When requesting movies that contain SceneViews the query paramter determines which scene to select.

Type Name Description Default
string key Name for this variant (Selected by the SceneView's variable
Scene [ ] scenes An array of scenes for this view


Enum Value Description
embedded 0
file 1
variant 2

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