A SceneView message is a container for either SceneViewVariants or EmbeddedScenes
Type | Name | Description | Default |
SceneView.Type | type | embedded | |
Scene [ ] | scenes | Array of Scenes (embedded only) |
SceneViewVariant [ ] | variants | Array of SceneViewVariants (variant only) |
FileLocation | source | A reference to an external SDL file (file only) |
StringVariable | variable | The value of this variable is used to select a SceneViewVariant | |
int32 | width | ||
int32 | height | ||
EndBehaviour | endbehaviour | repeatlast | |
string [ ] | keys | For file
A SceneViewVariant message is a lookup map that assigns scenes to key values. When requesting movies that contain SceneViews the query paramter determines which scene to select.
Type | Name | Description | Default |
string | key | Name for this variant (Selected by the SceneView's variable |
Scene [ ] | scenes | An array of scenes for this view |
Enum | Value | Description |
embedded | 0 | |
file | 1 | |
variant | 2 |
Terms of Use | © 2017, Impossible Software, or its affiliates.