Image Stack

A manipulatedimage Image Provider renders a single frame made up from a layered stack of VisualTracks. The layers are composited off screen and the resulting image can be transformed with Transformations.

The idea behind the manipulatedimage Image Provider is that you can pre-process, composite or filter a one or more images before you use them in a layer of a visual track. A manipulatedimage has its own rendering context and geometry. It is basically a one-frame movie.

The composition of a manipulatedimage is the analogous to that of a scene. It is composed of tracks which supply the content of each layer and a series of transformations that are applied to each track.

Field name Type Description
Required fields
type ImageProvider.Type manipulatedimage
tracks VisualTrack [ ] An array of VisualTracks defining the layers.


    "scenes": [
            "numframes": 200,
            "tracks": [
                    "content": {
                        "type": "manipulatedimage",
                        "tracks": [
                                "content": {
                                    "type": "stillimage",
                                    "source": {
                                        "path": "userdata/monarch.png"
                                        "type": "scalingcrop",
                                        "specifiedside": "w",
                                        "fixedsidesize": 640

                                "content": {
                                    "type": "textsimple",
                                    "fontsize": 64,
                                    "width": 640,
                                    "xalignment": "centered",
                                    "text": {
                                        "type": "constant",
                                        "value": "Hello Butterfly"
                                    "color": {
                                        "red": 255,
                                        "green": 255,
                                        "blue": 255,
                                        "alpha": 255


    "params": {
        "vparams": {
            "width": 640,
            "height": 360

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