

Type Description
file Tracking data loaded from a file
embedded Tracking data supplied in the TrackData message
http Load data via HTTP (JSON encoded)
stringvariable Load data via a StringVariable (JSON encoded)
variable Load data for one single frame from a PointsVariable
keyframe Data from an array of KeyFrameTrackData objects

File TrackData

A TrackData message that uses data from a file

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type file
source FileLocation a FileLocation indicating the file to use
Optional fields
offset int Frame offset
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)
failfast bool Abort rendering on any error in the motion tracking data
PointsVariable points

Embedded TrackData

A TrackData message with motion data embedded.

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type embedded
embeddeddata EmbeddedTrackData
Optional fields
offset int Frame offset
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)
failfast bool Abort rendering on any error in the motion tracking data


A data message for use with a embedded TrackData message.

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
frames PointsVector [ ] Array of Point Data
Optional fields
width int Width of the grid (Grid mapping only)
height int Width of the grid (Grid mapping only)
motionstart Point Precomputed motion (Internal)
motionend Point Precomputed motion (Internal)

HTTP TrackData

A TrackData message that fetches data in JSON format via HTTP

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type http
source FileLocation a FileLocation indicating the file to use
Optional fields
offset int Frame offset
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)
failfast bool Abort rendering on any error in the motion tracking data

String TrackData

A TrackData message that fetches data in JSON Format from a StringVariable

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type stringvariable
string StringVariable a StringVariable pointing to the data
Optional fields
offset int Frame offset
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)
failfast bool Abort rendering on any error in the motion tracking data

Variable TrackData

A TrackData message that gets one data set from a PointsVariable

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type variable
points PointVariable a PointVariable pointing to the data
Optional fields
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)
failfast bool Abort rendering on any error in the motion tracking data

Keyframe TrackData

A TrackData message that gets data form a an array of KeyframeTrackData

Field name Field type Description
Required fields
type TrackData.Type keyframe
keyframes KeyframeTrackData [] Array of KeyframeTrackData
Optional fields
scale double [] Scale all values by scale[0] (x values), scale[1] (y values)


Field name Field type Description
Optional fields
offset int >
points PointsVector Data

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