JSCanvas Image Provider

The jscanvas Image Provider renders an image described by a Javascript function.

Field name Value Description
Required fields
type ImageProvider.Type jscanvas
jscanvasdescription JSCanvasDescription An object describing the parameters and Javascript source.
Optional fields
width Integer The width of the rendered image. If not specified the width will be inferred from the tracks below.
height Integer The height of the rendered image. If not specified the height will be inferred from the tracks below.


Field name Value Description
Required fields
mode JSCanvasDescription.Mode jscanvas_script | jscanvas_source
script StringVariable A String containing the Javascript source.
source FileLocation A FileLocation indicating the source.
Optional fields
defaultparams KeyValuePair [ ] A map of keys and values send to the Javascript function
keys String [ ] A list of HTTP query parameter names to foraward to the Javascript function
completionfunction Function Function to use to animate time. (Advanced)

You must supply a function called renderFrame that accepts four parameters

function renderFrame(ctx, frameno, renderinfo, params)
    // render function

The parameter of the function are

Parameter Description
ctx Canvas context
frameno current frame number
renderinfo Object {frameno: int, completion: float}
The property completion is float between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of time passed for this scene. It is controlled by the completion function in the ImageProvider.
params Object with the query parameters indicated by keys


    "scenes": [
            "tracks": [
                    "content": {
                        "type": "emptyimage",
                        "color": {
                            "red": 0,
                            "green": 0,
                            "blue": 0,
                            "alpha": 255
                    "content": {
                        "type": "jscanvas",
                        "width": 640,
                        "height": 360,
                        "jscanvasdescription": {
                            "script": {
                                "type": "constant",
                                "value": "function renderFrame( ctx, frameno, renderinfo, params ) { ctx.fillStyle='#f00'; ctx.font='100px Arial'; ctx.translate(ctx.canvas.width/2, ctx.canvas.height/2); ctx.rotate( renderinfo.completion*2*Math.PI ); ctx.fillText('hallo', 0, 0 ); }"
                            "completionfunction": {
                                "type": "linear"
            "numframes": 100
    "params": {
        "vparams": {
            "width": 640,
            "height": 360

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