Draws an animated bezier curve
Field name | Type | Description |
Required fields | ||
type | ImageProvider.Type | bezier |
points | PointsVariable | A PointsVariable that references 4 points: start, control1, control2, end |
line_width | double | Line stroke thickness |
color | Color | A Color definition that defines the lines color/td>
Optional fields | ||
completion_function | Function | A Function definition that defines the timing of the animation |
{ "scenes": [ { "numframes": 200, "tracks": [ { "content": { "type": "stillimage", "source": { "path": "userdata/9516_wpm_hires.jpg" } }, "transformations":[ { "type": "scalingcrop", "specifiedside": "h", "fixedsidesize": 360 } ] }, { "content": { "type": "bezier", "bezierdescription": { "points": { "points": { "key": "route", "type": "map", "defaultvalue": { "points": [ {"x": 10, "y": 10}, {"x": 20, "y": 20}, {"x": 50, "y": 30}, {"x": 40, "y": 40} ] } }, "type": "variable" }, "line_width": 5.0, "color": { "blue": 32, "green": 255, "red": 255, "alpha": 255 }, "completion_function": { "param1": 0.0, "type": "timed", "param2": 0.5 } } } } ] } ], "params": { "vparams": { "width": 640, "height": 360 } } }
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