Transformations & Filters


Type Description
blur Gaussian blur
motionblur Motion blur
trackedmotionblur Motion blur using motion tracking data
Mask & Inpainting
mask Apply alpha maske (matte) to input image
inpaint Inpaint (remove) tracking markers in the image, using motion track data
scaling Scale the input image arbitrarily
scalingletter Scale the input image preserving aspect ratio, letterbox, if necessary
scalingaspect Scale to a specified width or height with aspect ratio
scalingcrop Scale to a specified width or height with aspect ratio, cropping the image, if necessary
crop Crop the image with x/y offset and specified size
quadtracking Perspecitive transform using track data defining 4 corner pins
gridtracking Transform layer using data defining an arbitrary grid of n*m points
morph Image morphing using Moving Least Squares (Image Deformation Using Moving Least Squares) or Thin Plate Splines
linearzoomin Viewpoint transformation zoom in (animated Ken Burns)
linearzoomout Viewpoint transformation zoom out (animated Ken Burns)
pointpaste translate to a tracking point
croprotatewarp Combined crop, rotate and quadtracking operation
flip Flip vertically or horizontally
Texture mapping
texturemapping32f Texture mapping with 32-bit floating point UV map image (or image sequence)
3D Layers & Animation
animate Animate the input
Color adjustments
intensity Change saturation of the image
colortwist Apply color matrix. Use values of all color channels of a source pixel to compute the resultant destination channel value.
cubelut 1 and 3 dimensional color correction. See: Adobe Cube LUT Specification
textshadow Inner and outer shadow (glow). Usually used for text effects.

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