Selecting a Region

Regions enable you to access the Impossible FX service that reside physically in a specific geographic area. This can be useful both for redundancy and to keep your assets and video rendering services running close to where you and your users will access them.

You can specify a region name and the SDK will automatically choose an appropriate endpoint for you. If you want to choose the endpoint yourself, see Choosing a Specific Endpoint below.

To explicitly set a region, it is recommended to use the Regions enum which is a enumeration of all publicly available regions. To create a client with a region from the enum use the following code:

fx = FXRenderClient.builder()
    .withProvider(new StaticCredentialsProvider("UZGSHGAIUZAUI", "JHjkJHJdsd7HKJ765uFHGF65456XYZ))

If the region you are attempting to use is not in the Regions enum, you can set the region using a string that represents the name of the region. For example:

fx = FXRenderClient.builder()
    .withProvider(new StaticCredentialsProvider("UZGSHGAIUZAUI", "JHjkJHJdsd7HKJ765uFHGF65456XYZ))


Once a client has been built with the builder it is immutable and the region cannot be changed. If you are working with multiple regions for the same service then you should create multiple clients—one per region.

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