Render Video and Upload to S3

FXRenderClient fx = FXRenderClient.builder()
    .withProvider(new StaticCredentialsProvider("api key", "apis secret"))

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("some-variable", "Some Personalized Text");

TokenResponse resp = fx.renderToDestination(
    new TokenRequest()
            .withProjectID("some project ID")
            .withMovie("some movie template identifier")
    new UploadDefinition()
            .withDestination(new S3()
                    .withAws_access_key_id("AWS ACCESS KEY ID")
                    .withAws_secret_access_key("AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY")
System.out.println("S3 URL of video is: " + resp.getUpload().getResult());

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