Working with Scenes


Add a Scene

  1. Select the Dynamic Story in the list view
  2. Click playlist_addAdd Scene in detail view
  3. Optionally, enter a name
  4. Select the type of scene you want to add. To learn more about the different scene types, see
  5. Click Add to add the scene to the story

Delete a Scene

  1. Select the Dynamic Story in the list view
  2. Click on editEdit Scene in the scene you want to delete
  3. Click Delete Scene in the scene dialog.

Changing the Ordering of Scenes

  1. Select the Dynamic Story in the list view
  2. Click arrow_upward to move a scene upwards in the story line.
  3. Click arrow_downward to move a scene downwards in the story line.

Scene Length Control

If you have variable length audio which runs independent from the video (e.g. a voice-over for a slideshow-like video), you need to have the scene length controlled by the audio track, instead of the video track

  1. Select the Dynamic Story in the list view
  2. Click on editEdit Scene in the scene you want to change
  3. Check the box marked Scene length will be controlled by audio length

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