When you create a project you specify a geographic region. Ideally this region is near to you in order to minimize latencies when you work with the ImpossibleFX service. However, if your audience for which you create the project is located in a different region they may experience delays when rendering videos. These delays can be large to a point where continously playing the video is not possible without waiting or buffering.
To address these circumstances, you can publish your project (and all assets, movies and data) to a different region or multiple regions which are closer to your audience. For a list of currently supported regions please see Regions & Endpoints
The new region will appear in the list view with animation indicating the synchronization of the data, for example:
loop EU (Ireland)
Regions operate independently from each other. That means, that When you make changes in the original project's location, you need to update all regions to which you have published the project.
Region that are out of sync with the original region appear with a warning in the list, e.g.
warning EU (Ireland)
Assets have changed. Sync required.
To un-publish or remove a project from a render region,
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