Asset Management


Upload a File or Files

To upload a single file, multiple files or a directory

  1. Click on the type of asset you want to upload (Video, Image, Sound, etc.)
  2. Click addUpload
  3. Click on the dotted box and select the file, files or the directory you want to upload

Drag and Drop files

  1. Click on the type of asset you want to upload (Video, Image, Sound, etc.)
  2. Or drag a file from your computer to the Upload Box

Delete Assets

To delete an asset

  1. Select the asset in the list view
  2. Click deleteDelete
  3. Confirm the delete to delete the asset or cancel the operation


Deleting an asset is an irreversable action. You cannot undo a delete operation.

When your project has more than a few files, it becomes impractical to find an asset in the list view. To select only specific files click next to the search icon searchand enter the name or part of the name of the file or files you want to see.

To delete only the files found by your search:

  1. Click the list view menu more_vert
  2. Click on Select Found
  3. Click deleteDelete
  4. Confirm to delete the selected assets or cancel the operation

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