
This operation renders a video and uploads the file to Amazon S3

var parameters = {
    ProjectId: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
    Movie: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
    Params: {key: value, ...}, // required
    Format: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
    Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
    Filename: 'STRING_VALUE', // required
    Async: true || false,
    UsePolicy: true || false,
    AccessKeyId: 'STRING_VALUE',
    SecretAccessKey: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContentType: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContentDisposition: 'STRING_VALUE',
    Acl: 'STRING_VALUE',
    CacheControl: 'STRING_VALUE',
    Secure: true || false,
    S3Host: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ReducedRedundancy: true || false
render.renderToS3(parameters, function(err, data) {
    if(err) {
        console.log(err); // an error occurred
    } else { 
        console.log(data);  // successful response


ProjectId string A Project ID
Movie string Movie to render
Params map Render Parameters
Format string Format to Render
Bucket string S3 Bucket Name
Filename string S3 Filename
Async boolean Perform Async
UsePolicy boolean Use S3 Bucket Policy instead of AccessKey/SecretAccessKey
AccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
SecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
ContentType string CMediatype (MIME) for the destination object
ContentDisposition string Content disposition type for the destination object
Acl string Access Control for the destination object. Can be one of: private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read
CacheControl string Extra controls for the "Cache-Control"-header
Secure boolean Return HTTPS URLs for Object URL
S3Host string For Signature V4 regions (e.g. eu-central-1), the S3 endpoint is required.
ReducedRedundancy boolean Use reduced redundancy for the destination object.


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